Terms & Conditions:
• Competition open to students & young artists from year 12 upwards with an upper age limit of 25 years old.
• Initial entry will be via digital upload and then 10 artists will be shortlisted for the final.
• Shortlisted artists will be invited to bring along 2 pieces of original artwork to be viewed by the judges at the Norfolk Showground at a date to be decided.
• The winner & runner up will have their work displayed in the Art Gallery Marquee at the Royal Norfolk Show subject to it being suitable for display. Work needs to be of an acceptable size and suitable for hanging. The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association reserves the right to display an image of the work rather than the original if they deem necessary to protect the artwork and visitors.
• The winner will then be allocated space in the marquee for 2 pieces of art for the next 2 years and their work can be sold entry & commission free (entry currently £8 per artwork and commission 25%).
• The winner will be given Royal Norfolk Show entrance tickets to attend the show with their family- maximum 6 tickets & a voucher to purchase art supplies.
• Publicity via the art catalogue and social media etc will be given to promote the winner and the Youth Art Award.